Breads, as most countries practice, are one of the most essential breakfast fix. It gives you the enough nutrition and energy that will keep you up for the rest of the day. But not all breads are healthy: there are some products that have too much sugar and shortening that may not be really helpful when it comes to keeping your health at its optimum reach. So when looking for bread in the supermarket, here are the ways to find the healthiest supermarket breads out there.
Look for the bread that is made with whole grain with added fiber. Examples of whole grains are wheat, oats, and rye. If you found a bread made at least one of these whole grain examples, then you are good to go. These grains are good sources of essential vitamins and minerals as well as anti-oxidants just as much as some fruits and vegetables have.
Another way to determine the healthiest supermarket breads is to look for the sugar content of the breads. Shy away from those that have too much sugar added and opt instead for those breads that have low or no added sugars.
Last but never the least of ways to find the healthiest supermarket breads is to go for those breads that have 0 grams of trans fat. Do not rely much on the "partially hydrogenated" phrase written on the nutrition facts. Also stay away if you can from those that have any of these: soybean oil, cottonseed oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, and safflower oil. Why you should stay away from these oils? Because they contain omega-6 fats, and these fats will compete against in the body with healthy omega-3 fats.