Bad Health Effects of Soda

Wherever you may are and wherever you may go, there will be soda drinks always ready to be served to you. The thirst quenching properties make sodas really coveted by many people of all ages and of different backgrounds. It is nice to have a bottle or two of this somehow energizing and refreshing drink, but it can really be hazardous to one's health when you drink too much of it. There are also times when people become addicted to it. So before you have some soda fest, here are some bad health effects of soda for you to ponder.

Tooth decay - Say hello to soda today, and say goodbye to your teeth tomorrow. A can of soda contains a lot of acids that can make your teeth enamel weak and brittle. Apart from sodas, sugar is a prominent fixture of sodas. A serving of 20 ounce of soda is already equal to 17 teaspoons of sugar. No wonder there is a lot of bad health effects of soda not just to our body but also to our teeth.

Weaker bones - This is something that young women should know. According to a study, young girls who drink soda a lot in a day have lower bone density than those girls who do not drink soda that much. Perhaps it is because they do not drink a lot of drinks rich in calcium, such as milk.

Stomach aches - As stated above, sodas contain lots of acids. And acids can be irritating to stomachs. So you should get rid of drinking too much sodas if you are susceptible to carbonation or if you have acid reflux and/or digestive problems.

Increase in Weight - Of all the bad health effects of soda that are stated here, perhaps this one has the highest percent of possibility. Sodas, especially those non-diet kinds, can give you the possibility of gaining your weight. This is because of the excess sugar and calories contained in it. Although diet sodas are much better, there are still cases that people gained weight as well.