After a hard and tiring day at school, some kids focus on their homework while other kids play with their friends. But most of the time, kids want something to munch on when they arrive from school. But it won't really help them if they are going to spend each and every afternoon eating something unhealthy like chips and cookies that are loaded with nothing but salt, sugar and other artificial preservatives. But it's not going to help either if you will just stop them from having some snacks. They will just go to their friend's house or stop by at a convenience store to have a fix of their afternoon delights (no pun intended). So what to do? Here are some valuable and healthy snack ideas after school that you can prepare.
Here is one simple, tasty, and nutritious recipe that everyone can enjoy. You can prepare a warm microwave apple pudding. Why would kids love it? Because it is similar to the apple pie, but without the high-fat crust and no sugar to add. To prepare, simply peel and core a medium sized apple. Place it nicely in a microwaveable bowl and add two tablespoons of water and a sprinkle of cinnamon to taste. Microwave for a minute maximum to make the apple tender and soft in texture. Serve with love!
Another healthy snack ideas after school I am giving is instant pizza. Now don't fret: pizza might be a slice of sin for you but I believe nobody has met a kid who does not love pizza. This one will not be just healthy but also can be done in no time. Simply prepare your crust (you can use crackers, or bagels in place of a pizza crust) then spread some sauce and cheese. For the sauce you can opt for cream sauce, olive oil, and garlic instead of the traditional sauce that you use. For the toppings, use some fresh vegetable and selected fruit slices. Enjoy!
Ice pops are perfect especially on a hot and humid afternoon. But do not just get those what you can buy at the store for those kinds are not really healthy with all the artificial flavoring and preservatives. Instead, create your own using real fruit juice and pour it in ice cube trays and place it in the freezer. Any flavors will do.
These are just some of the health snack ideas after school. You cannot be with them when they are at school so do protect their health and it should start at home. Enjoy!