Canned Soup: Healthy or Not

In our world today, virtually everything has its instant version. With that I mean that there are things that are traditionally prepared and done for a long time that can be prepared in the shortest time possible. In the supermarket, you will find instant on anything, especially food. Great examples of these are noodles, corned beef, canned meat, processed meat, coffee and tea among many others. And now we have instant soup that you can purchase, open the can reheat and a serving of soup is ready to serve. But like most instant foods, are soups that are in cans healthy for us? Below are some ways to determine if the canned soup that you bought is healthy or not.

High Sodium Content - One of the things that you should consider before you buy canned soup is the sodium content. Salt is one ingredients that food producers use in order for their products to lengthen the shelf life of their products. With canned soup, you must look if it has more than 480g of sodium. If it exceeds 480g, then it is considered as not healthy. Other canned soup that are less than that then it is all good.

BPA Content - Bisphenol (or BPA) is a chemical used to coat metals and some canned soup are contained in cans with BPA. BPA have great potentials to put you in danger. BPA can cause serious and fatal illnesses such as heart diseases, breast cancer, diabetes and prostate cancer. There are some popular canned soups that are contained in cans that have high levels of BPA so you must be always on guard.