Coffee, just like tea, comes in many styles and also has its own certain benefits (with a little exception of those gourmet, creamy ones). You might have heard of different types of coffee such as arabica and robusta. But have you heard of green coffee? This article will explain to you and answer to your question "What is Green Coffee?".
When the coffee is remain unroasted, it is considered as green coffee. Green coffee beans at times are picked, processed even when it is still wet, left to dry and then milled. They are not roasted, however, due to that process is usually left for the end consumer to do. At times green coffee is considered as a coffee cultivated and harvested in the most earth-friendly way but this term is rarely used.
Green coffee is what is mostly preferred by coffee connoisseurs who want their coffee as fresh as possible. There are several advantages when a consumer goes green when it comes to their coffee. The coffee beans stay much longer compared to the roasted ones.
There are so many ways to roast your green coffee. You can either use some equipments created for this kind of specialty which you can purchase. But there are also some non-coffee related equipments that you can utilize in order to have you green coffee roasted. You can either use stove top popcorn popper, air popcorn popper or you can even use an oven. For the most part, it does not really take you long to roast your green coffee - only around 10 minutes and your done.
Now that you know what green coffee is, then you might want to know where to purchase it. There are some coffee shops selling this kind of coffee as well as you can check the Internet: there are dozen websites that sell this.